Integrating functionality

Integrating functionality is a process of modifying an existing design to increase the list of functional capabilities. The goal of such a process is to create products and devices with broad applications. This process starts with analyzing a number of similar devices and finishes with a single device which can be used in place of any of the initial devices.

Integrating functionality is a process that belongs to realm of Systems engineering. In some ways, it is similar to Modular design, however, Integrating functionality aims to modify existing designs while Modular design occurs in the initial design phase before products have been produced. Both processes aim to develop generic, reusable devices both at the component and system level.

Designing interchangeable products is of interest to both producers and consumers. Consumers like flexibility in products they purchase, and producers like being able to produce things cheaper. In the end, Integrating functionality is a process that has wide applications to many areas of product design.



Integrating functionality has been an inherent part of design revision for quite sometime. However, in modern development practices, time allotted for design revision is become shorter due to pressure to get products to market quickly. Instead of increasing the amount of functionality devices have during the design phase, designers are now interested in modifying existing designs to increase functionality. Surprisingly, this is a much different process than incorporating functionality at the initial design stage because of new limitations. For example, at the initial design stage, the only limitations stem from strict requirements. Most aspects of the design are fairly flexible. However, after a product has been designed and fabricated, there are many more restrictions when modifying a design.

The computer software community has embraced the concept of Integrating functionality for sometime now. This is seen with each new version of software that is released. While one main driver for new versions of software is to fix bugs in previous releases, another main goal is to provide a better experience for the user. Software companies do this in a number of ways, one of them being integrating functionality of multiple applications into one. By improving the software’s speed, reliability, and compatibility, as well as increasing the number of functions the software can perform, software makers have been successful in satisfying customers’ needs and desires. This same process is beginning to transition from software to other manufactured products.

While this concept of adding functions to a device is quite old, it is being applied in new ways. Today, companies are spending time and money analyzing the costs and benefits associated with modifying existing designs so that they can provide better products to their customers. Below are details regarding the process, the steps involved, and some of the factors that should be considered when Integrating functionality.


Why would someone want to modify an existing design as opposed to creating a new one from scratch? One reason may be that the overhead costs associated with designing a new product from scratch are very high. Sometimes this process may be so costly that individuals or companies do not even attempt to create a new product because it will not be a lucrative endeavor. These overhead costs may be the result of mold designs, software development, or testing procedures depending on the nature of the product.

Producers would like to integrate functionality into existing designs for a number of reasons. One of the main benefits from a producer’s perspective is a solid platform to begin analysis. As opposed to starting a design from scratch, if a producer is modifying a design, he will have a well-developed and tested product to modify. This will save time because the designer will avoid any of the hang-ups or pitfalls that were encountered in the initial design. Also, since reusing some aspects of the existing design is a major theme of Integrating functionality, the designer may be able to significantly reduce some of the overhead costs. For example, if someone wants to integrate new functionality into an electronic device such as a display monitor, he may be able to use the existing power supply and casing. This can save time and money during the development, prototyping, and testing phases. Additionally, if the designer is combining a number of devices which function similarly, but are constructed of different components, economies of scale may reduce the cost of manufacturing. Combining the cost savings of the design overhead as well as reduced production costs could significantly reduce the overall cost of the product. However, cost reduction may not always be the goal or result of Integrating functionality.

Consumers can benefit from Integrating functionality in a number of ways. One of the most obvious is a reduction in price. As noted above, integrating functionality may help producers reduce the overall cost of a product. While integrating functionality may not guarantee a lower price for consumers, it would almost guarantee an increase in value for the customer. As a result of integrating functionality, a consumer will either pay a lower price for the product, or will receive more functionality for the same price. Either way, the consumer benefits by having a better product.

Additionally, by combining functional aspects of products, producers aim to enhance the user experience for consumers. This may be realized by consumers having new products that integrate functionality from existing products and technological advancements, or consumers have more flexibility in terms of how they can use a product. No longer will consumers buy products with a single application in mind. Rather, when they buy a device, it will have a number of functions that it can perform, and the consumer can decide what he would like to use it for at any given time. Additionally, because a goal of integrating functionality is to enhance the user’s overall experience, consumers will hopefully be happier with the products they purchase and use. The new products will be capable of performing a variety of tasks for the consumer, and this will help consumers be more productive or gain more satisfaction from using the product.


To integrate functionality, a designer must start with a goal in mind. As a simple example, imagine that a designer currently has two distinct display units. One display is currently used only as a security camera display monitor and the other as a computer monitor. A consumer would purchase one these two devices with a specific use in mind, either to use it as a security camera monitor or a computer monitor. This choice would be based on a number of factors, but primarily on available functions and ease of integration with other components.

If the designer were interested in integrating the functionality of these two similar yet distinct devices into one, he would proceed through the following five phases.[1]

Requirements Phase

The Requirements Phase of development is where the designer gathers information to produce a set of specifications for the device. In terms of Integrating functionality, the designer will examine the implementation of the existing products that he has and determine the required characteristics of each.

One method of analyzing the existing products is by constructing Functional and Physical Architecture diagrams. A Functional Architecture of a product is a flow diagram of information through a system. It begins with the inputs into the system, followed by operations performed by the system, and ends with the outputs of the system. This will help the designer understand what is required to make the existing device work. A Physical Architecture depicts how a product is constructed. It breaks a system down into to components, and then breaks components down into smaller pieces recursively. A complete Physical Architecture is a detailed listing of every piece used in the construction of the final product. These two components will give a designer a good understanding of how each device functions and how each is constructed.

After understanding each device individually, the designer will create a mapping of requirements to see how he can meet both sets of requirements in a single specification. He will do this for each requirement of both devices to ensure complete integration into the new design.

Conceptual Design Phase

After developing a new set of specifications for a design, the developer can brainstorm solutions to realize the new design. These can be done by looking at each of the existing devices and seeing what technologies are implemented in each. If the current implementation of one device is adequate, the developer can stick with it. If not, more research should be done to find a better solution for the new design. This phase may consist of high-level system drawings to help capture the designer’s ideas.

Detailed Design Phase

Now the designer is ready to start defining the details of the new design. This phase will consist of detailed computer-aided design (CAD) drawings with specific dimensions. This phase will allow the designer to understand graphically how the device will be constructed and how users might interact with it.

Development Phase

This is essentially when a prototype of the design will be constructed. There are many different forms of prototyping, so it may vary based on the type of product. After prototyping, rigorous testing must be performed. The new device needs to be tested for robustness, integration, and safety to name a few categories. If a problem is found, the designer must take the device back to the Conceptual Design Phase to remedy to problem before continuing. After testing is completed, a cosmetic and ergonomic analysis should also be performed. This will measure a user’s thoughts on aesthetic characteristics of the device as well as the ease of use of the device. If problems are found with the aesthetic or ergonomic properties of the device, the device must revert back to a prior phase to fix the problem before continuing.

Implementation Phase

Lastly, after a prototype has been rigorously tested, it then needs to be produced. Implementation is the practice of making the new device. These new devices will then need to be prepared for sale to consumers.


The steps above describe the technical aspects of integrating functionality. There are a number of additional aspects that must be considered throughout the entire design process as well.


Designers should always keep in mind who the end user of a product will be. This should influence design decisions throughout the process. For example, a device should be designed differently for a computer programmer than if it were being designed for a child.


Designers need to account for the environment in which their products will be used. If a product will be used outdoors, it needs to able to function properly in such an environment. Sometimes this is not discovered until late in the development process because much design work is done in a laboratory.

Wasted material

If a designer is attempting to integrate the functionality of multiple devices into one, there will likely be aspects of the new device which go unused by some users. Because of this, designers need to assess the cost of adding a new function or feature to a device. Since adding functionality may increase the cost, a designer needs to decide whether this is something that the average user of this device would want, and assess whether the user will be willing to pay for the added value.

Internal Competition

If a producer is Integrating functionality of his own existing products, the producer needs to consider the implications of such a process. For example, if a producer has existing products on the market and he introduces a new product which provides more functionality to consumers, he is essentially rendering old components obsolete. This may be the goal of introducing a new product, but the produce should assess the implications of this.


Essentially, Integrating functionality attempts to introduce principles of software revision to tangible products. Based on the example provided above, a producer would be interested in such a process so that he could provide better products to consumer at a better value. Consumer would benefit from such a process because they would be able to use products in a variety of applications. In the end, the practice of Integrating functionality will provide consumers with somewhat “generic” products that can be used in many ways.


See also

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